Which way is New York? I’ve seen some funny directional signs before, but this Fiji directional sign near Lifou takes the cake. Our tour bus stopped here, and almost everyone had to check out the sign. And yes, those distances are correct!
Puzzle Help

Click to view the puzzle image overlaid on the puzzle. Click again to remove the overlay.

The ghost lets you choose the opacity of the overlay. If you want to see the image on top of all or part of your puzzle, this is helpful.

You may choose to arrange (line the pieces up around the edges) or disarrange the puzzle pieces. (For more, see Help)

General settings, including Restart and Help (how to move pieces, save the game, arrange and disarrange, etc.)

Maximize the puzzle on Jigsaw Planet. When you’re done, you can return to this site.
Book & a Latte Contest
This Fiji directional sign jigsaw puzzle is the third in my July series. If you work the puzzle and leave a comment below, including your time, you’ll receive an entry into the Book & a Latte contest. The winner will receive a $5.00 Starbucks gift card and a Kindle version of one of my books. Be sure to check next week’s Friday Morning Post, where I’ll announce the average and best times.
Photo of the Week – The Fiji directional sign

Somehow, it’s hard to imagine ever seeing a sign like this anywhere in the US. But in Fiji, it just seemed to fit in perfectly. Everything was so laid-back and relaxed. At this point, we’d come just over 2,100 kilometers (about 1,300 miles), and we still had more than twice that distance to go before we’d dock in Honolulu.
Did you see last week’s entry? You can find it at Spectacular New Zealand water off Tauranga coastline. Click here to view more Friday Morning Post entries, or you can follow me on Twitter.
6:24. Love the picture!
It took me 4:10 this time!
17.24. Challenging!
I am one of the slower puzzlers again 6:31 (felt faster)
5:10 thanks as your puzzles are a great Friday treat!
My time is 4:24. What a cool picture!
Have a good weekend! My time was 8:22
5:41 is my time. Have a great day!
6:50 is my time for today. have a great weekend!