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For millions of fans, the name Tess Gerritsen is synonymous with “Rizzoli and Isles.” The odd thing is, the bestselling series that spawned a syndicated television show and all those fans began with a different set of characters in mind and only became what it is thanks to Jane Rizzoli’s dogged perseverance. In this interview, New York Times Bestselling author Tess Gerritsen, we’ll go behind the story of Rizzoli and Isles and discuss her latest novel in the series, “Die Again.”
Gerritsen said she tries to avoid writing about issues. “I think that it kills the fun of a novel when you feel the author is trying to foist some personal agenda on you. I’m more of a ‘hey, check out these cool facts!’ writer. In previous books I’ve explored Egyptian mummies, shrunken heads, space biology and leprosy.”
“Die Again” will be no different in that respect according to Gerritsen. “I explore the biology and behavior of cats—in particular leopards, whose hunting behavior may have influenced early human evolution. Maura gets an up-close look at cat behavior when she adopts the pet of a murder victim, and realizes that even your average pet kitty is in truth a ruthless predator.”
The trigger behind “Die Again” was an African safari Gerritsen and her husband went on a few years ago. They were assigned a bush guide, who was responsible for their safety. They were also warned to remain in the jeep and to always do as they were instructed by the guide. The incident that gave Gerritsen the idea for the novel came one afternoon at sunset when the group stopped for cocktails. Her husband needed a bathroom break and began walking toward a set of bushes.
“Our guide told my husband to go in the opposite direction, which the guide felt was safer. Less than a minute later, a leopard walked out of the bushes my husband was originally going to use. At this point, we were all out of the jeep, and the leopard was approaching. Our guide calmly placed himself between the leopard and us, and stared down that cat, which retreated back into the bush. In a place where danger seemed to be everywhere, that guide kept us safe.
“That was what launched the story of ‘Die Again’ for me: the thought of being stranded in a hostile place and forced to rely on one man to keep us safe—a man who might not be who he claimed to be.”
The Rizzoli and Isles series has brought readers a pair of unlikely friends who work very well together. Judging by the popularity of both the books and the television series, readers and viewers alike love the strange mix of the abrasive Jane with the brainy Maura. Those characters, however, were not in Gerritsen’s original plan, who said, “The creation of Jane was an odd accident in fiction. When I introduced her in ‘The Surgeon,’ she was a minor character. The instant she walked on the page and started annoying everyone, I wondered why she was so annoying.”
At first, Gerritsen wondered why Jane was so unlikeable. “I thought she was destined to die near the end of the book, but as I spent time with Jane, I started to understand her and sympathize with her status as outsider. And when it came time to kill her off, I couldn’t do it. She fought back against her creator and survived. Which made me want to know what happened to her next, and spawned the next book in the series.”
Long-time fans will know that Maura wasn’t even introduced until the second book in the series, “The Apprentice.” Gerritsen said of Maura Isles. “From the start, she was a mystery to me, a woman who kept her secrets close to the vest. Which made me want to know more about her, so I wrote ‘The Sinner.’ Out of two minor characters, a series was created.” Fans will be pleased to know Jane and Maura still fascinate Gerritsen.
“After eleven books, I know Jane and Maura pretty well, but they still surprise me sometimes. Maura in particular still holds mysteries for me. She’s such an intelligent woman, yet she makes some pretty unwise personal choices, like falling in love with the wrong man. I’ve known women just like her, women who should know better, but who get sucked into romantic relationships that can only end badly. Will she ever find happiness? I don’t know. That’s why I write the books—to find out what this troubled friend of mine will do next.”
In addition to fans loving the two main characters in the series, another reason Rizzoli and Isles books are popular has to do with the details Gerritsen writes into her novels. “I am an insanely curious person, and an enthusiastic traveler, and both those qualities fed into the writing of ‘Die Again.’ Wherever I go, I pay attention to what scares me, and frightening incidents—like the leopard in the bush—often end up in my books.
“One scene in the book required a bit of gruesome personal research. I actually did butcher a deer carcass. It was bloody, exhausting, messy work and I came away from the experience with a greater appreciation of those who bring meat to our tables. I’m not a hunter, but I am a carnivore, and I feel it’s my responsibility as a meat-eater to understand where my meal comes from, and the labor that went into producing it.”
Just as a leopard walking out of the bush in Africa became a triggering incident for the plot behind “Die Again,” the writing of the novel was not completely predictable for Gerritsen. “The killer was a surprise to me. I had pegged a different character as the killer when I first started writing the story, but as the tale took on more and more complexity, I realized I had the wrong suspect. It’s often that way when I write my first drafts. The twists surprise me.”
More information
Learn more about Tess Gerritsen on her website at tessgerritsen.com.
Book & a Latte Contest
What: This month, Tess is giving away two hardcover copies of “Die Again” and I’m adding two $5.00 Starbucks gift card. Two random entries will be chosen as winners. Each winner will receive a book and a gift card.
How to enter: Choose one or more of the options below. Each option gives you an additional chance to win.
Who can enter: This contest is only open to continental US residents over 18 years of age.
When: Contest closes at 12:00 a.m., February 15. Winners will be selected on Sunday, February 15.
Verification of entries: All winning entries are subject to verification.
I enjoyed this book very much. This interview made it even more interesting.
Thanks Nancy! I’m glad to know the interview helped enhance your reading experience. I like knowing the reasons why things show up in books, too.
Enjoyed the interview. Thanks.
A really great interview
Wow, This sounds exciting. Thanks for introducing me to this author and book.
The interview was terrific, as always. I can’t wait to read this book!
I’ve never read one of your books but this interview has definitely got me interested! I’m going to try out your books! Thanks
I really enjoyed the interview! I would love to read this book! I know I would enjoy it! Thank you for the giveaway!
I’m glad you write your stories for entertainment, not to promote an agenda. Being in a place of having to follow an unreliable guide who may have a different agenda is intriguing.
Nice interview
I’ve read all of the Rizzoli and Isles books and loved them all and I did like the TV show although I wasn’t so sure that I would. The interview was great…loved how when writing the characters have minds of their own and surprise the author.
I usually don’t like to read a book and then watch the tv show. It’s funny because Rizzoli and Isles tv show interested me enough to read their books. I enjoyed your sharing about life happenings influencing ideas for books. I love how you change the book for your character.
I enjoyed this article, thank you for sharing.
So interesting. I love hearing the story behind the characters. Can’t wait to see Tess in Milwaukee in April!
I love hearing about an author’s writing process. I like the way Rizzoli & Isles made themselves into characters who won the author over first. I also enjoyed the story for the inspiration of this latest book.
Cats are interesting subjects….lots to learn about leopards.
Do you ever think you will. It her another deer now that you know how? I grew up with deer hunters in the family but was too little to learn myself…then we moved away from the area where there were a lot od deer.
I have read some of Rizzoli & Isles but I have not seen any of the tv episodes. I think I stay with the books for a bit longer.
Another great book from a great author!
Very interesting information on the characters.
Thanks for the interesting interview. I am a huge Rizzoli & Isles fan. I was a fan of the books even before the tv series. Of course, I’m a fan of the tv series.
I just love Tess Gerritsen’s books. I’m so looking forward to reading this one. I’m on the reserve list at the library but I’d love to win here since I’d get it so so much sooner. Thanks for the contest.
When reading what gave you the way to write a book allows me to want to read it. Very interesting.
Really looking forward to this book. Loved all the others.
Interesting to hear that the characters sometimes drive their own story. That the author doesn’t always know how things are going to work out for a specific character. I suspect that keeps the writing fresh and not forced.
Will Maura keep the cat and will it make an appearance in any future novels?
I love Rizzoli and Isles and can hardly wait for it to start up again. I love to read your books, too. Someday, I’d love to go on a safari. Until then, I enjoy the San Diego Zoo’s Safari Park.
ILIKETESS…I also liked the interview and the author!
I always enjoy the tips included in every enewsletter. Sometimes I take them to school to use as talking points with my classes.
Thanks Marcia. It’s nice to know they’re of help!
Have not read your books yet! I do look forward to reading them though. I enjoy the tv show.
Love your books!
I do enjoy reading Tess’ stories and then see how close to the book the series follows.
Great interview. This sounds like a great read! Keeping my fingers crossed!!
I enjoyed this interview – all that was missing was sharing a cup of coffee with you during the interview. You find interesting characters to introduce us to. Appreciate you awesome talent.
Thanks Dolores, I’m glad you liked the interview. There are definitely more on tap, along with the coffee.
Enjoyed the background information on the series and the new book.
Great interview and the book sounds like an awesome read also.
This was a great interview. I’ve watched a couple of the shows but never read the books. Now I’m really intrigued. Die Again sounds like my kind of story. When authors say that a story plot grows independent of their thought process, that always baffles me. I mean… you’re writing the story so how do the characters get away from you and do their own thing? But thank God they do.
It’s a very strange experience, indeed, Vicki!
Sometimes it is very easy to figure out what real life incident leads to a storyline, but it is even better to learn the trigger from the author–it might be a different take on it entirely.
Sounds like fantastic reading and watching. I’m in. Thanks, Janet
Sounds like another winner!
Congrats. on your series. I wonder how long I can keep my own series going.
You had me at cats(huge fan and owner) then you threw in African safari, lastly she is a survivor. Well that’s me to a tee. Can’t wait to read this book.
What an event to give life to an idea.. I enjoyed the interview and am intrigued by the story.
Interesting interview, would love to win.
Wow that was crazy. I would have freaked if I saw a leopard. Can’t believe it actually left. Will be seeing you at Milwaukee this April. Can’t wait.
Great books and nice to learn more about the author, Tess Gerritsen.
interesting inspiration
Tess Gerritsen seems to have a variety of interests and must have fun writing about them! Looking forward to reading some of her work!
Love the series and short stories.
Cool facts, I like; an agenda or cause (even if I agree) often spoils a story for me.
I have not read any of Tess’s books, but after reading this interview, I am off to the library and Barnes & Nobles to try to locate earlier books. I always like to start with the first book by and author then read them forward.
Awesome interview. Thank you for this chance.
wow,i have to reread the first books again , jane and maura have been my book friends for so long, i had forgotten how we met in the first place. i do enjoy the additional information along with the mystery too. thanks for all the hard work you do to make great griping stories.
I’ve been a fan of her books & have never tired of them like I have other authors. I loved “the Surgeon” & ” The Apprentice” along with all her others. This book sounds just as good as them all 🙂
I have yet to read a book by this author. This one sounds really good and I should start with this one.
I like tess. really I do. For a long time now.
Can’t imagine a leopard walking out of the bush! So glad he left you alone to write more books.
interesting interview and love your
I read the books before I saw the TV show. Enjoyed both verymuch!
Another great book from a great author, and a great interview. ThanksQ
I’m a Rizzoli and Isles fan, and I also know how hard it is to keep a series fresh. Way to go!