J. Carson Black writes three different crime-fiction series. For this interview, the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author discussed her latest Cyril Landry thriller, “Hard Return.” Black, who says she loves horse racing, cats, dogs, wide open spaces, and road trips, said the idea for the novel came to her after a real-life national tragedy.
“I was deeply affected by the deaths of the children in New Town, Connecticut,” said Black. “I was in the middle of another book, but the idea of first and second graders being slaughtered like that was unthinkable. I felt compelled to write a school shooting, mainly because it wouldn’t leave me alone.”
In it’s original form, the school shooting story was never intended to be published said Black. “I started writing, thinking the story would never see the light of day. But as I wrote, the story changed and became about something else. I needed someone who could save at least some of the kids in my book. I needed someone who could even the score, a person capable of seeking true justice. Fortunately, I had a guy who could manage that.”
Black also said, “To my surprise, a good guy with a gun killed a bad guy with a gun. Except the good guy wasn’t all good. An argument could be made that Cyril Landry is a very bad guy. But this was the story that drove me, and Cyril Landry was the character who excited me.”
While it was the shooting that sparked the story, Black decided there was another aspect of the story she wanted to explore, her protagonist’s years in the military in Iraq, during which 6.6 billion dollars disappeared from the Green Zone. Black said, “Add to that the fact that at the end of the last book, ‘The Shop,’ Landry was missing and presumed dead in Florida—I just plain wanted to see him again.”
According to Black, Cyril Landry knew he must remain “dead” to protect his wife and daughter or risk having them used as leverage against him. Unfortunately, Landry has a blind spot when it comes to his family and believes they will one day be reunited. Black said, “I don’t know why such a smart man can’t see the giant hole in this logic, yet he believes this unequivocally.”
Prior to “Hard Return,” Landry had kept the same vigil, watching over his wife and daughter. One day, a man in black body armor walks into the school and starts shooting. Landry takes out the killer before his daughter is hurt, but he’s seen. Too late, Landry realizes his enemies have flushed him out.
Black said she enjoys writing male protagonists. “I met Cyril Landry on the first page of ‘The Shop.’ I planned for him to have a walk-on part—a generic assassin. I needed some people to be killed in a house, and I had to pick a leader so I picked one guy and named him Cyril Landry. On page 2 he asked another operative how many people were sleeping upstairs. The guy answered, ‘Two. They were laying in bed.’ ‘Lying in bed. Not laying,’ Landry replied.”
“I liked him from that moment,” said Black. “He grew into the story, getting more and more of his share of the book. I write two female homicide cops, and I love writing them, but Cyril is a welcome change. Maybe because he’s easier. Less is expected of him. I think female characters carry an extra burden—they have to be strong AND likable AND nice-looking AND tough but not too hard . . . and certainly not completely breakable. Partially-breakable? That’s okay.”
Black thinks she might enjoy writing the Landry character because he has no restrictions—or maybe it’s just the challenge. She said, “My friend Michael Prescott is known for his dead-on portrayal of his female protagonists, so I’m not alone.”
The writing mantra is, “write what you know.” But, what did Black know of military operatives, assassins, and the world of spies? She said, “To write a book like this, I needed help—and I got it. I have a guy who is ex-military and did his share of covert work. John and I work very well together. I met him when I needed help on a skydiving scene in ‘The Survivors Club’ and reached out to a friend on Facebook. My friend told me her husband was a jumpmaster. Turns out, he’s a lot more than that.
“There was one instance when I asked my guy John how Landry would put out feelers to let people know he was available as an assassin. And he said, ‘If you want a terrorist, go to Yemen. If you want an assassin, go to Austria.’ He explained to me what Austria is like, centralized—a crossroads of sorts—with very little in the way of oversight or police action.”
Coincidentally, Black had spent a summer in Graz, Austria, studying to be an opera singer—a career that wasn’t meant for her. She said, “When John told me I needed to send Landry to Austria, I knew the perfect place: Graz.” While fiction writers are criticized when they make use of coincidence, in real life, coincidences do happen. Perhaps that one should be chalked up to serendipity.
More information
Learn more about J Carson Black on her website at www.jcarsonblack.com
Congrats to Debra W., the winner of a copy of “Hard Return”!
Thank you so much for all your comments and questions.
Interesting writing info
Yes it was helpful. I like that she wrote about current events and her own back ground
These sound a bit harder boiled than I usually read, but I’m interested to try it if I win the drawing. When I was in Austria, my friends and I stayed in some pretty cheap accommodations, so we saw the seamier side of things. Makes for great story telling years later of course…
Also, I wanted to mention that HARD RETURN can be read on its own as a complete story. THE SHOP is a prequel of sorts, although Landry shares billing with the protagonist, Jolie Burke, who also appears in HARD RETURN. Their roles are reversed here–he’s the protagonist in this one. But they do work well as a team. 🙂
Hi Nina!!! It was so good to meet both of you at the book festival. Small world that we came from the same tribe – Dorchester refugees!
I have not read this author before, so yes it is. I think I want to read the first book though, although I would love to win the second. I will have to go look for her books now!
I met her (and you) at the Tucson Festival of Books. I won kindle version of one of her books and like her writing a lot. I’m glad she calls Tucson home! And, thank you for attending TFOB and reviewing her newest. Hope to see you both again next year.
Yes this book sounds very ineresting.
A thought provoking post thank you. Color me intrigued.
Great thriller. Love reading intrigue and suspense.
i just checked out Amazon’s listing for J. Carson Black. If you have not read any of her books before, there is a free one listed for her character Laura Cardinal – Deadly Double. but i got The Shop today. got a new author now woo hoo!!
Have read 2 books. They were great
Surprised the heck out of me, too! I would have picked Yemen in a heartbeat. I have to say, over the 8-9 months it took to write this book, I picked up a lot of interesting stuff. Stuff I probably won’t ever use… personally. I’m a lover, not a fighter. 😉
Hey Marcy, you’re right about Landry—he’s got his share of flaws. And Sue and Sally, I agree about Austria. When I read that in the book, I was so shocked! Who would’a thunk? 🙂
This book looks very interesting. I see no reason not to use coincidences.
Now instead of waltzes I’m going to think of assassins when Austria is mentioned. I’d love to read the book.
Your book sounds like one I would enjoy reading. The suspense genre is the type of books I read the most. I know I would like this one.
I haven’t had the chance yet to read J Carson Black’s books, but they definitely sound right up my alley! I look forward to reading HARD RETURN.
Thank you, Terry, for the interview–and thanks to your wonderful readers. I’m so happy you are interested in HARD RETURN. It was an absolute joy to write–the most fun I’ve had writing, and I’ve written 16 books. I’m thrilled that Terry’s great questions piqued some interest in Cyril Landry. He is a very special character to me, and while sometimes writing can be challenging, difficult and elusive, I can always depend on him to come through for me. It’s almost like “automatic writing!” Books, like children, are different. I’m starting a new Cyril Landry, SPECTER BLACK, and I’m hoping he continues to hold up his side–and prop me up as well. Thank you – I love hearing your comments. Maggy
Great interview, I am looking forward to reading the book.
i like flawed characters and Landry is definately flawed. This story line is very appealing. I will pick up the first in the series so i can know more about Landry. thanks for a good interview. always adds to the story when i know more about the author, the research and what prompted the storyline.
Very interesting interview. Sounds like a great book.
Something to think about….
I love this interview because I love knowing what sparks an author to write a certain story. Thanks for the giveaway
Sounds like a great series. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Sounds like this is a case of a character taking over. I’ve heard that from other authors, that this one character doesn’t do what the book’s outline dictated but something else and the book is better for it.
It’s very interesting to learn how an author’s story actually evolves. This sounds like an intriguing one. Thanks for the giveaway.
You always have interviews with authors that are new to my reading and that is awesome as sometimes I think it is good to reach out and read other type books and this sounds so interesting. Terry as always you know I love the newsletters that you put out as I like reading about the newest scams. Being in a rural area of Iowa getting updated info on scams aren’t the easiest also the newspaper and any other things such as the news rarely have that kind of info. Thank you for the time that you put into the newsletter with this info .Have a good month looking forward to next months interview.
I appreciate an author who does research on the topic they are writing. By doing this it makes the story more believable and draws the reader in. Thanks for the opportunity to perhaps obtain a copy of this book.
Sounds like a very interesting author, and this book would be a great read. I know I would enjoy it very much. Thanks for having this giveaway.
Hey everyone! Thanks for your comments so far. I’m loving this new feature of being able to bring a well-known author to a new audience. Looking forward to more comments! Terry
This sounds like a great book for my husband! I will definitely refer him here to check it out! Thanks for the giveaway!
This sounds great. Love articles that peak my interest
Always great to be introduced to a new author. Looking forward to reading one of her books.
Sounds like an author I’d love reading. Will try to get some of her books,esp. the Cyril Landry series.
I need to check out these series. Sound like just my type. Edgy. Interesting to learn that you go to Austria to find an assassin. Somehow Sound of Music is more what comes to mind.
This is a new to me author. Thank you.
Yes, very helpful. I have read all of her books (and loved them) and am awaiting the next Cyril Landry book. It was harder for me to get in to that first Cyril Landry book (The Shop), more so than her other novels due to the shooting, but once I did, I couldn’t put it down. Eagerly waiting for book #2. A very insightful interview and so glad I read more about J. Carson Black.