Scenes of inspiration for the Handcrafted Mystery series: A Crafter Knits a Clue, A Crafter Hooks a Killer, A Crafter Quilts a Crime.
Every writer needs a muse. Right? Today I’m going to share some real photos that I snapped around WI using my cell phone that helped support/encourage my writing for this series– with captions included. I hope you enjoy the journey through “Heartsford!”
This photo inspired me to have Heartsford be set in a river town. Isn’t it pretty? Even after the leaves have fallen, I love this photo. (Actually, the victim in book #2 was found not far from here!)
Remember that scene in book #1: A Crafter Knits a Clue, when Sammy is walking her dog Bara? I picture this bridge going across the river! Only the one in the book is painted red. I let my imagination take me wherever it wants to go.
My Inspiration for Sammy’s store, Community Craft. Here’s the window where the mannequin challenge takes place in A Crafter Quilts a Crime!
This City Hall photo was taken in a real Midwest town. Can you guess where it is? Detective Liam Nash works here, and Heidi’s policeman boyfriend Tim has his office through these doors too.
I hope you enjoyed the journey through the town of Heartsford! 😊 Inspiration is everywhere, you just have to open your eyes…
Learn more about Holly Quinn at www.authorhollyquinn.com
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