My w
riting journey
I get the question all the time, “Why did you decide to write your mystery?”
After a moment of pure panic, ’cause I’m a writer with anxiety, my answer is usually the same. “Because I wanted to write a book that I would want to read.” I’m an avid reader and have loved cozy mysteries forever. While I love reading about librarians, hotel owners, contractors, crafters, and others, I never found a character that I could completely relate to.
Here in New England, we are ride or die for our sports. The Red Sox have been an institution for so long that it seems odd there wasn’t any books written about the sports fans. Murder and sports! What could be better?
So, I decided to take on the challenge. I was initially going to murder someone at Fenway Park (fictionally!) but didn’t’ think the Red Sox would’ve been too jazzed about that.
So, in the great literary tradition, I made something up. A fictional team in the very real town that I currently live in. A main character who loves sports, loves her family, and loves the Red Sox. All things I can identify with, well, except the family owning a baseball team part. That is pure wish fulfillment.
I hope this starts a new trend with even more amateur sleuths in different jobs. I know a lot of cozy mysteries are branching out with organic sleuths, beer sleuths, and now my baseball sleuth. I may even start another series about another sport, who knows! Even if I don’t write another sports series, I do have another dance teacher series in mind (something else I’m passionate about).
I have always heard write what you know. But I take that in a different direction. Write about what you like! If it’s a particular hobby you’re in to, write about it! You’d be surprised about how many other people like the same things you do. I’ve met a whole new group of baseball fans as a result of this book getting published.
And just for fun (and because I hope he doesn’t leave us in the offseason…)…a little Brock Holt for your day! #Brocktober
Since we are approaching the World Series starting (probably already started by the time this post goes up), I would also like to give a shout out to one of my other teams. I lived in Washington DC for six years, and the Nationals ballpark was opened around the same time. I’m happy for all my friends who are season ticket holders down there, and hope they get the trophy!
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