It’s been a rough week. Nine days ago on (our Thursday) I came down with the flu. Kathy talked me into going to the medical center, and they told me I had a 100.4 temp and was quarantined to our room. Sunday morning, the temperature had been gone for twenty-four hours, so I was released from quarantine. That was the morning we arrived in Sydney and had to leave the ship for at least two hours. We sat in a bar over by the Opera House where we could watch the ship and passed the time drinking water and green tea. To make a long story short, the flu went into some respiratory condition, my temp went back up, and I wound up back in medical. No quarantine this time, but I’m finally feeling better and had my first full day today. As a result, I’m doing a little catch-up and putting up the photos from Russell, New Zealand, which is where we were the day our tour itinerary went topsy turvy.
Want to follow along on our journey? Here’s a link where you can find all the entries in our travel journal.
Photos from Russell, New Zealand
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