Meet the Akaka Falls Jacksons Chameleon

It would appear that this is a Jackson’s Chameleon, which is native to East Africa and introduced to Hawaii. This one was found by one of the guys on the way into Akaka Falls on the Big Island. He attracted quite a crowd, enough so that the pathway became almost impassible because of the people trying to get a look and/or a photo. This little guy probably gets this kind of celebrity attention on a regular basis, at least on the days when he gets too close to the path where there are those obnoxious beings called “people!”
More photos from the Big Island archives

Nice pics–love that gutter downspout! 🙂
Hi Terry. In days gone by, it was believed that mo’o (originally the Hawaiian word for dragons and now lizards) lived in caves hidden behind waterfalls. Maybe that’s why this little fellow got so much attention? 🙂