Have you ever needed help fixing a computer problem? Maybe you thought your machine had contracted a virus or malware. Or, it had become sluggish. What if you just need someone who knows what they’re doing to walk you through how to resolve an issue. Computer security popup ads have been making these claims for years. Unfortunately, the ads have become pervasive in online advertising. Now, the Federal Trade Commission is shutting down some the companies behind those ads.
Timing is everything
Let’s face it, computer security popup ads are obnoxious. And, if your computer is running slow, it’s natural to wonder if the alert might be legitimate. The problem has become so extensive the FTC created the video in this post. It’s a great reminder of what steps we should all be taking to avoid a problem.
Computer security popup ads look legit
The companies behind the scams designed their computer security popup ads to look authentic. They want you to believe they’re authorized by Microsoft, Apple, or other providers. The truth is, those claims may not be true.
The Federal Trade Commission filed suit against six of the companies behind the ads on July 8. The court has frozen the assets and operations of the companies for the time being. Let’s hope, at least for now, we’ll all get a break from these obnoxious and misleading ads.
Here’s a link to instructions from the FTC if you’ve been a victim of this scam.
Always use products or services with a good reputation to resolve computer problems. If you have an issue with software, contact the manufacturer. And, if there’s a problem with your computer, try going to the manufacturer’s website. They may have resources or suggestions you can use without it costing you an arm and a leg.