T.R. Ragan is a New York Times bestselling author who writes thrillers set in Sacramento, CA. She classifies herself as a storyteller, first and foremost. But, she’s also a writer with passion. In part, her passion was driven by years of rejection from traditional publishers and partly it’s driven by events occurring right in our back yards, which we may not even notice. “Furious” is the result of her outrage about a very difficult subject.
“When I first read about human trafficking being an issue in Sacramento, I was shocked,” said Ragan. “I had no idea this sort of thing was happening right here in the US. Out of sight, out of mind. People needed to know what’s going on right before their eyes. Victims need support from their community so they can give a voice to these crimes and hopefully find a way to rebuild their lives.”
To put the problem in perspective, there are an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 victims of trafficking each year. The problem is far more pervasive than many realize, and quite lucrative.
“Just because there is no easy solution doesn’t mean we should turn the other way,” Ragan said. “Victims of human trafficking need to know there are resources and services to help them begin their long journey to recovery. Advocacy groups are making themselves heard. Groups like TAT, Truckers Against Trafficking, are doing their part to help combat domestic sex trafficking. Being aware this problem exists is a step in the right direction.”
After forcing myself in my late twenties to overcome my extreme shyness, I found my voice.
Ragan also said she has ideas for future books churning away inside her mind. “I’ve always been horrified by stories where children are taken right from their home. I have four sisters and, like most mothers, we are very protective of our children. I always thought if one of our kids were taken we would rip this city apart looking for them. That, and reading about trafficking in the area, was the spark that led to Furious and the Faith McMann Trilogy.
“I don’t want to make an argument or address issues,” Ragan said. “My goal is to entertain. But, I am a big believer of being aware of your surroundings. I was very shy growing up. Being shy made me vulnerable in many ways, if only in my own mind. After forcing myself in my late twenties to overcome my extreme shyness, I found my voice. I truly don’t think there’s any one thing a person can’t accomplish if they’re passionate enough about it.”
When she started working on “Furious,” Ragan was looking forward to taking a break from writing about serial killers. “After researching the horrific realities of human trafficking, though, I’m now eager to get back to writing about the evil souls who find some sort of strange gratification in committing murder.”
Learn more about T.R. Ragan on her website at www.theresaragan.com. For more information about human trafficking, visit traffickingresourcecenter.org or use their round-the-clock tip line at 1-888-373-7888.
Very interesting and informative post, Terry. Human trafficking was (to be) the subject of the second book in my Mac McClellan mystery series. I did a TON of research for the book and was extremely pleased with the finished product. Imagine my chagrin when my editor refused it, basically saying the subject matter was too controversial and we’re not going there! This was only three years ago. The publisher is affiliated with the (now) Random House/Penguin group. I was forced to do an entire re-write, and when finished I thought it was nowhere near being the book the original was.
Congratulations to T.R. Ragan for tackling this very important and tragic subject. I hope FURIOUS rockets to the top of the best-sellers lists.