Google wants to hire me! And they’ll pay me $90k a year! I’ll bet you’ve seen this email, too. So, how do you sign up? The answer is, by giving away all of your personal information to a scammer who doesn’t care where you live, what you do now, or what skills you have. No, all he wants for this Google job email scam is for you to click a link so he can collect his paycheck.
The Google job email scam should be easy to spot
- The email has no salutation
- It refers to a numbered position, which makes it generic enough to work for any position from accountants or system programmers.
- This came as a complete surprise. I hadn’t applied for a Google job, so why would they hire me when they have perfectly good applicants who want to work for them?
- The email is showing HTML code, which is a mistake Google would never let through.
Take the standard email precautions
Obviously, you don’t want to be caught by the Google job email scam. Take these standard precautions to avoid a problem.
- If you use a spam blocker, mark the email as spam to eliminate this sender in the future.
- Delete the email and do not click the links.
- If you do click a link in the email by accident, close your browser and do not click on any website popup boxes. These popup boxes can contain links to malware.
I’ve not had the Google email, but in my junk bin I’ve seen same type email for Facebook. They even make it sound as if I sought them for the job
I suspect the Google twist is fairly new. Oh, if only it were so easy to find a job for 90k a year! 🙂