When we’re visiting Kauai, this is where we spend our time. I realized that I’m always looking for photos of around the island, but have seldom shown one of the resort complex where we have a condo. By the way, there’s a joke that goes with that line of, “we own a condo on Kauai.”
A few years ago, we were stripping wallpaper and painting. We had the furniture out on the lanai, tarps on the floor, and the place was a general disaster area. One of the timeshare tenants who had been seeing us work on the place for a couple of days finally caught me outside. The conversation went something like this:
Him — What are you guys doing?
Me — We’re remodeling. Tearing down wallpaper and painting.
Him — Wow, they let you do that?
Me — Sure, we own the place.
Him — All 52 weeks?
Yes, indeed. We’ve got ’em all and love it when we get to spend a little time there. The rest of the time, the place is a rental. Maybe I’ll tell you about the drug dealer sometime.
My favs this week on Instagram
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It must be wonderful to be able to live at Kauai Beach Resort. I have not yet been to Hawaii, but I can see it is truly beautiful.
We don’t actually live there full time. Most of the year, we use the condo as a rental. However, we do get to spend time there every year and that is wonderful! 🙂