Last week’s Friday Fotos took us on the road to Hanalei. This week, we’re starting on a journey to the end of the road, Kauai style. Yes, this week and next we’ll be going to Koke’e State Park. So get ready, because it’s a lucky day when it’s clear at the top for more than a few minutes at a time. This week, we’ll make it about halfway up!
By the way, I’m always on the lookout for good Hawaii photos. If you have some you’d like to share, let me know and we’ll talk about featuring your shots on Friday Fotos!
Hint: you can manually advance through the slides by placing your mouse over the slideshow and clicking the pause button, then use the forward/back buttons to navigate.
Our journey begins at the Kauai Coffee Plantation...
At the plantation you can sample, stock up, or just enjoy the ambience...
As we climb out of Waimea, the clouds hang out off in the distance...
As we start our climb, clouds move in, almost as though they want to join us...
About a third of the way up, the realization that this is a serious mountain sets in...
And then the view gets really stunning...
Looking down from one of the lookouts toward Waimea Canyon, aka Hawaii's Grand Canyon...
Here, we're above the world, but we're only halfway to the top...
This is definitely not the place to slip...