Thanks for reading my bio. I’m Terry Ambrose, a one-time skip tracer and bill collector turned writer. I write mysteries that have plenty of plot twists and characters who will surprise you at every turn. I like to call them Mysteries with Character.
I’m going to give you two stories about me, the long one and the short one. So, here’s my short version and, as the saying goes, I’m sticking to it.
I started out skip tracing and collecting money from deadbeats and quickly learned that liars come from all walks of life. I never actually stole a car, but sometimes hired big guys with tow trucks and a penchant for working in the dark to “help” when negotiations failed.
As you might have figured out by now, the skip tracer part is how McKenna, my protagonist in the Trouble in Paradise McKenna Mysteries came about. Ultimately, it led to the two main characters in my License to Lie thriller series. How I ended up writing the Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast Mystery series is…well, frankly, a mystery to me, too.
Here’s more conflict in my life. I’m a resident of Southern California, but love spending time in Hawaii, especially on the Garden Island of Kauai, where I get to invent lies for the unsuspecting to read. My years of chasing deadbeats taught me many valuable life lessons such as—always keep your car in the garage.
Don’t forget to visit my author page on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. You can also send me a message using the contact form on this page.
The Long bio is really rather boring, but if you’re a glutton for punishment or doing a story on me, you might be interested.