Nestled in the heart of Childersburg, Alabama, lies a hidden gem of natural beauty. Majestic Caverns, once known as DeSoto Caverns, also have some amazing history. They offer a captivating journey into the depths of the earth, revealing stunning formations, each with its own unique tale. From a Native American burial ground to a Prohibition-era speakeasy to a modern-day theme park, Majestic Caverns has been through it all.
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A walk through Majestic Caverns history

Formed about three million years ago, these caverns were held sacred by local Native American tribes who believed the caves were a portal to another world. The Majestic Caverns history includes a significant role during the Civil War as Confederate soldiers mined the caves for gunpowder. In the early 1900s, the caverns were opened to the public. From 1920 to 1933, the caves were used as a speakeasy and a dance hall. Today, theyʻve been turned into a modern-day amusement park with above-ground and below-ground attractions.
Breathtaking beauty
As you make your way through the caverns, you will encounter breathtaking views of stalactites, stalagmites, and columns that have formed over thousands of years. The geological wonders are illuminated by colorful lights, creating an otherworldly ambiance. The most famous formation in the caverns is the “cathedral,” a towering column of white stone that resembles a church organ. Visitors can also take a boat ride on Mirror Lake, which offers a unique perspective of the caverns from the water.
An Earth science marvel
From a geological perspective, Majestic Caverns is a wonderland for caving enthusiasts. The caverns showcase an array of stunning stalactites, stalagmites, and other calcite formations, each sculpted meticulously by nature over thousands of years. These formations provide insight into the earth’s history and the geological processes that continue to shape our planet.
Today’s jigsaw challenge: Majestic Caverns
Today’s Majestic Caverns jigsaw puzzle features a breathtaking portrayal inspired by the caverns. So grab your coffee or tea and take a few minutes to go underground with me as we virtually visit this amazing natural wonder. Did you miss last week’s Friday Morning Post and jigsaw puzzle? Use this link to go there now.
12:38 For me. Lovely caverns. Have found them fascinating to read about. But not really a fan of being under stuff. Even umbrellas.
I don’t blame you, Della. I find myself getting just a little claustrophobic when it gets a little too close!
Beautiful picture. My time was 10:03.
13.33 difficult one.
It took me 6:19 to complete this pretty puzzle!
8:16 with distractions everywhere. Happy Friday
6:30 was my time today. I love exploring caves. Thanks for the puzzle.
You’re welcome! Happy caving!
7:34 for me this cold morning, not my best time!