This week’s photo puzzle is a bit different. It’s not a spectacular sunset or other naturescape, but something I hope will be pure fun. I’m calling this one, Let’s Find Ariel! While my wife worked at the Carlsbad Library, her supervisor had a miniature Ariel, which she loaned out whenever someone was going away. Everyone took pictures of Ariel, and it was quite fun sharing. We took Ariel to New Zealand with us, but for this photo, she’s right at home in front of the Carlsbad Library. Can you find her?
July contest winner
The July Book & a Latte Contest winner is Carol K. Her comment, picked randomly from last month’s comments, was from the Tortoise and the Egret jigsaw puzzle. Her time was six minutes and 34 seconds. Congratulations, Carol, for being selected as the July winner!
Did you find Ariel? In your comment with your time, tell me where you found her. (Hint: there’s something printed right below her feet.) I’ve been running these puzzles for two months now, and I’m curious about what photos you like the most. (Landscape, sunrise/sunset/ animal, finding something like Ariel). I hope you’ll let me know in your comment.
Photo of the Week – Find Ariel

This photo came about due to a confluence of events (kind of like writing a novel!). First, we had custody because we were getting ready to go on a trip. And second, I’d been noticing these nicely painted valves and marveling at their Rube Goldberg appearance. So, with camera in hand, I took Ariel out for a photo shoot. I think she rather enjoyed it. I hope you do, too!
Did you see last week’s entry? You can find it at Which way is New York? Fiji directional sign points the way. Click here to view more Friday Morning Post entries, or you can follow me on Twitter.
7:39 was my time for this puzzle. Ariel is on the box above the wheel on the left as you face the picture. I prefer landscapes as I think they are prettier; however, puzzles like this one and the last one titled, “Which Way To New York?’ are a little more difficult and some days I prefer the greater challenge.
20:16 time. Ariel above the left wheel. Good puzzle! Like landscapes best.
7:51. Ariel is above the left wheel.
7:35 bit slow this week. Arial is below that FDC tag. I like any jigsaw puzzle, especially the obnline ones where you can’t lose any pieces! Thanks
10:33 the slowest of all posters so far. I admit I was eating lunch and got distracted a bit.
Ariel is above the left black wheel. Sorry Terry, I can’t read what that little sign says.
4:54 on this one!
Wow, that took me the longest out of all of the puzzles.
I see her! 🙂
My time was 8:26. The miniature Ariel is right above the left wheel.
8:42 i think my worst time yet, but my excuse today is a bad headache! take care and thanks so much