Ariel visits Byodo-In Temple

Wouldn’t you know it? Little Miss Ariel, who’s been all over the world, found a thoroughly enjoyable spot to sit back and relax. She liked this piece of statuary so much she declared it hers, but we told her it wouldn’t fit in the luggage. Major bummer, but she took it well. In the background is the main temple, which was under renovation during our visit. Despite the work going on, the grounds were spectacular and a relaxing place to hang out. I highly recommend a trip to Byodo-In Temple if you ever get the chance.
More Byodo-In photos from the archives

Thanks for your Friday photos of the various place in Hawaii.
Since I am not am to travel anymore, your pictures allow me
to visit the neat places. I love to use a lot of your pics as
backgrounds on my iPad.
Thanks for the great stories plus great pics. Hope a new
McKenna is coming soon.