Aloha, McKenna here. I took a little time off while Terry went to New Orleans for a convention. He tries to make people think that it was all business, but I know otherwise. For instance, that trip down the river—and I’m not talking about bad guys using him for target practice and then tossing him in—that was just for fun.
The trip involved a riverboat cruise on the Creole Queen to the Chalmette Battlefield. Yeah, it was about a million degrees in the shade with humidity to match. And the ranger who gave the talk about the Battle of 1815 was dripping sweat like he’d been in a slow-bake oven all day, which, come to think of it, he had been. But, Terry says he had a good time despite the heat wave.
Then there was the Saturday night walk down Bourbon Street. We’re talking about beads falling from second stories, bands playing in every club—each trying to play louder than the one next door—gentlemen’s clubs—places that Terry tells me Kathy refused to let him go near—probably because she was worried the old boy would get all worked up and be a little hard to handle later on that evening if you know what I mean—and a street band.
So the question is, if that’s a normal Saturday night, what’s it like during Mardi Gras? I, for one, don’t think my heart could take it. I got all excited in Photo Finish just because of Harris…and Julia…and…ahem, well, my time’s up. Let me just close with the lesson I learned in Photo Finish. It was one I’ll remember until at least the next book. Trouble in paradise would be easier to resist if she didn’t have such great legs.
Hey there, BOBB here,
Whoo, what a coincident! Shinazy is going to New Orleans in October.
I’ll pass on the normal Saturday night info as she is rather crowd adverse and unlike you and me, party animals, she will have to mentally gear-up for the experience.
However, she is planning to test the TSA PJ concept – I’ll keep you posted.
So, if Terry and Shinazy go on holiday in New Orleans, where should we go?
P.S. Shinazy is a runner of 30+ years – great legs are a by-product.