In all the years we lived in the Bay Area, we seldom crossed the Golden Gate Bridge. We occasionally saw the iconic landmark from afar and admired its beauty. But fighting the Bay Area traffic to cross the bridge was never high on our priority list. Still, like most Californians, we loved this magnificent suspension bridge. For our recent road trip, we did make the crossing. As it is for most visitors, it was an amazing experience.
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More about the Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge opened on May 27, 1937, after over four years of construction at a cost of $35 million. During the bridge’s construction, 10 men lost their lives. Today, their names are listed on a plaque located at the visitor’s entrance. The bridge spans 1.7 miles and links San Francisco to Marin County, and it was once considered the world’s longest and tallest suspension bridge.
Building the Golden Gate Bridge was no small feat. The region’s severe weather conditions and the strong currents from the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean made it difficult. It took several ingenious ideas to eventually construct the bridge’s foundation. An interesting fact is that the bridge was painted orange to provide better visibility to shipping vessels coming into the harbor and also because it matches the surrounding California hills and mountains.
Every day, about 112,000 vehicles, 6,000 pedestrians, and 10,000 cyclists cross the Golden Gate bridge. During peak summer months, over 15 million visitors come to see and walk across the bridge. Its massive presence and grandeur have made it an excellent backdrop for movies and photographs. I hope today’s jigsaw puzzle gives you a sense of that beauty.
It takes about thirty minutes to walk across the bridge. There are two areas designed for pedestrian viewing, and you can buy souvenirs at the visitor’s center shops. The bridge also has several events throughout the year, including sunrise tours, full-moon walks, and the annual Bridge-to-Beach event.
Its history and iconic status firmly place the Golden Gate Bridge on the list of the most popular tourist attractions in San Francisco. Perhaps that’s because the bridge is a symbolic sign of San Francisco’s spirit of adventure and innovation.
11:07 was my time. Got to see that bridge in person in 1984. For our anniversary hubby took us all to Disneyland. Did some sightseeing on the way. Crossed the bridge. Lunch at Fisherman’s Wharf.
Had not thought of that in years. Lovely puzzle. Lovely memories. Thank you.
What a treat, Della! It’s quite impressive in person.
Beautiful! 5:51 was my time.
5:04 for me this week.
Beautiful picture. My time is 9:19
6:37 was my time. I didn’t walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, but I did rent a car just to drive across it.
That would be worth it!
8:54. I am fairly consistent with my times.
One Saturday my walking group planned to cross the bridge and then eat in Sausalito. Bridge closed because of people including Woody Harrelson illegally climbed the towers. That walking group never did get to walk across the bridge, but friends up from Los Angeles and I did watch parts of the America’s Cup races from the bridge in 2013. Walking the GGB is a challenge, finding parking that is.
I never even thought of the parking, but you’re right, parking in San Francisco is awful!
6:12 for me today! thanks again
My time was 10:14