Currently, I’m writing five different mystery series with an equal number of protagonists. Four are my creations; one is a classic, Jane Eyre. Keeping these characters straight in my head is important. If I don’t, all the works will blur. Of course, the settings are different, and the characters’ descriptions are, too, but the heart of any character is…character.
“The mental or moral qualities distinct to an individual” is one dictionary’s definition. That’s helpful, but not enough for an author. I need a better handle, a clearer vision.
Here are a few of the questions I ask myself:
What is this person most afraid of?
If the house was burning, and no life was at risk, what would my character run in to save?
What does my character like to do to relax?
What one word best defines my character? And secondary words?
If I stop there and apply the questions to Kiki Lowenstein, here’s what I get:
Kiki is most afraid of losing someone she loves. She would run back into a burning house to grab her scrapbooks. To relax, she reads cozy mysteries and sweet romances. The best word to describe her is spunky. Then comes creative and a little kooky.

In Ink, Red, Dead, Kiki worries about her friend, Mert. Kiki is drawn into the situation because the hoarder is a scrapbooker, and poor Kiki has no time to relax, although she does get a bit dreamy over a man. Her kooky side comes out when a kitten lands on her head—after crawling up a drapery—and Kiki instantly decides to adopt the baby cat.
If you like characters who are spunky, creative, and loving, you’d probably like Kiki Lowenstein. I hope you’ll give Ink, Red, Dead a try. You can enjoy it as a stand-alone, although it is part of a growing series of books. Readers call this: a fun cozy mystery, a good enjoyable read, a delightful story, plenty of suspects, (with a) great ending. Why not take a break from grim reality and peep into Kiki’s world.
Learn more about Joanna Campbell Slan at joannacampbellslan.com. Want more author news? If so, click here to read my Behind the Story interviews from your favorite authors.
Sounds like a great read. Looking forward to reading the book.
Thanks for having me, Terry. Always good to see you!