Talking to plants – does it make a difference
I’ve always loved the look of anthurium. With those broad leaves and their bright color, they just seem to say, “I’m tropical and fun.” Okay, so plants probably can’t talk, at least, not to us. But my mother used to say it was good to talk to your houseplants. That way of thinking has stuck with me, so I find myself sometimes encouraging plants as I water them.
We recently added some indoor herbs to our kitchen. We bought a grow light and a few herbs: basil, mint, chives, and parsley. Sadly, we’re still getting the hang of keeping those plants going. The basil is doing well, but watering the others seems to be a problem. First, they’re too wet, then they’re too dry. They’re limping along, but we’re going to have to get this whole plant care thing down before the plants give up on us.
I’ve read that anthurium make good houseplants because they take very little care. In our case, that would be a perfect fit. As I sit here at the kitchen table writing and watching our little herb garden, I’m not so sure that would be fair to the anthurium! Before I go buying another plant, I’d better check out this guide to growing anthurium.
Want to see more photos from our trip? Here’s a link where you can check out all the entries in our travel journal.