Diamond Head switchbacks filled with people
My photos from the past couple of weeks have shown this line from further away, but this one captures the volume of people who were walking the Diamond Head switchbacks along the trail. This shot was taken in May 2019, so it was a very different time then. I’m not sure what the trail looks like these days, but tourism is still down so there have to be far fewer people on the trail. In years past, Diamond Head has seen more than a million visitors a year.
While we each took a bottle of water on the hike, by the time we got started the hike was very hot and we probably could have used more. We’ll also get started much earlier by catching a ride to the park. In fact, I’d like to be there at six a.m. when they open to avoid the crowds and the heat. Learn more about visiting Diamond Head on the Hawaii Division of State Parks website.
Want to see more photos from our trip? Here’s a link where you can check out all the entries in our travel journal.