McKenna here. My guest today is Jaswinder Park from Dee DeTarsio’s Haole Wood, a mystery set on the beautiful island of Maui.
Aloha, Jaswinder. Since we’re just a hop, skip, and an island away from each other, we ought to have a virtual cup of java and talk story about our writers. For instance, I’m kind of curious about your lady writer friend Dee. Does she have commitment issues or something? I mean, one book, then wham, bam, thank you ma’am and she’s off to another character. I’d give you the scoop on Terry, but I doubt that anyone would care. He’s pretty dull.
Aloha, McKenna! Where were you when I needed you? Oh, yes, right. You are on Oahu, I’m in Maui. You would have loved tracking down the case over here—us haoles have to stick together. Sorry about your man, Terry. He sounds abysmal. However, I’ll see your abysmal and raise you neurotic with my pen pal, Dee. She never lets me get a word in edgewise, and while I would imagine she is shrieking “Pot! Kettle!” right about now, don’t let that fool you. She gave me a few good moments with Dr. Jac, but really? That’s it? Don’t let her tell you otherwise, but she did inhale Fifty Shades of Grey, so I ask you, that’s the best she could do?
Forget the virtual java, McKenna, it’s five o’clock somewhere. I am toasting you with a frosty Malibu rum and pineapple juice, a little somethin’ that will definitely Finish yer Photo. Seriously, Dee is nothing to write either home or inter-island about. She is the worst possible combo, a yacker with nothing to say. I guess she’s got to do something with all those extra words. I do not care if she has commitment issues or not, I am so ready for her to move on dot org. Let her go torture some other poor wahine. I overheard her say something about a yuletide story. Mele Kalikimaka.
Sorry you didn’t get to play doctor as much as you would have liked, Jaswinder. Based on what Terry told me about how that whole Haole Wood story went down, I thought you got, shall we say, shortchanged. We’ll do umbrella drinks soon—long as we stay away your grandma’s pakalolo. Aloha, McKenna.
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