Let’s begin with a correction. I’ve been calling it Kapiolani Park, the children’s playground and park area near Lydgate is actually Kamalani Park. Now that I feel a weight removed about that, here’s what happened. We had rain for the first time last night, then strong trades first thing this morning. However, by the time we were halfway through our walk, they were already settling down. We did the approximately four mile round trip walk in about an hour and a half, which included some mandatory time to sit on the bench at the park and ooh and aah at the view.
The Kamalani Playground was constructed by an island-wide effort in 1994. It’s an impressive structure that includes a volcano slide and art work. You can see a bit of the art work in today’s photo gallery (yes, more than just two today). If you want to learn more about this great place, go to www.kamalani.org. Click on any of the photos below to see a description and a larger version of the photo. Tomorrow —Boogie Boarding!
By the time we were on our way back from the park (sometime around 8:00 a.m.), the sun was shining, the clouds had begun to clear and locals were settling in for the day at the park. Since today was Mother’s Day, locals were creating temporary homes at the beach. They arrived with coolers, chairs, blankets, food, canopies, etc., everything they’d need to have a comfortable and fun day in paradise.
We wound up spending most of the day around the condo, made our Mother’s Day phone calls, got a little time at the pool later this afternoon and got to chat with people from Oregon and Texas. The odd thing is (maybe not so odd) they’d all spent time in California.