Sung to the tune of “Singin’ in the Rain”:
I’m grilling in the rain,
Just grilling in the rain,
What a glorious feelin’
My salmon is done.
And I wasn’t even too wet, thanks to an umbrella and a cheering section—they’re shown in the photos here. About halfway through my wet-n-wild barbeque session, a guy on the third floor yelled down, “Do those work?”
Nah, I’m cooking this fish on a cold, wet grill. Of course, when I was done, the guy wanted to use my preheated, cleaned-off grill. Guess it worked.
So that was the ending for the day, here’s what happened earlier.
We went body boarding in the morning. Kathy caught a good ride almost immediately, another one later. She decided to quit while she was ahead. I, on the other hand, had the humbling experience of going under, twice. So here’s the story. I’m out in the water along with a kid who’s probably 4 foot tall at the most. He’s getting pounded by waves that I’m taking chest high. He caught some good rides, but he saw a lot of action under the water. The waves were coming in about every ten seconds, so I caught several good rides. With waves coming that fast, you barely get past one and there’s another. Then came the Grand Finale. I jumped one, saw the next big one coming my way and got ready.
I was in about three feet of water (though maybe a hundred feet out) and the wave coming at me was about four foot high. I jumped a half second before the wave hit. I got in front of the wave. It pulled me forward. . .and down. And more down. The basic thought process at this point, “This ain’t right.”
Second thought, “Let go, dummy, and stand. It’s like, three feet of water.”
I let go of the board, came up, stood, looked behind me and saw another one. Oh well, go for it!
The last one was a good ride. Of course, it took a couple of hours for all of the sea water to drain from my sinuses and my ears to clear.