We’re closing in on the end of our second day here on Kauai. It started with rooster wake-up calls at 3:00 a.m. I woke up at about two, listened in awe at the silence, then went back to sleep. About an hour later, the fun started. By turning on the air conditioner fan, we can drown out most of the rooster calls.
Today was also time for our second walk on the beach. Yesterday afternoon was just a short one to stretch our legs and to say hi to the ocean. Today we did double the distance, tomorrow we’ll add some more. By the end of a couple of weeks, we should be up to the full two miles to the Kamalani Playground, which is at Lydgate Park. For now, though, we just need to be content with the shorter distance.
The photo shown here is where we begin the daily beach walk. This morning, it was time to take Buster (that’s the name we gave the car we rented from Island Cars) out for a drive. Grocery store and that big island store, Walmart. We picked up our supplies at Walmart, then went on to the grocery store. Kathy felt that we should lock up Buster just in case someone wanted to steal our stuff. To my way of thinking, Buster’s about as safe as you can get on this rock. Anyone who sees it probably says, “I’m not gonna steal from that sucker, he’s worse off than me.” On the other hand, they might also think we’re drug dealers. So, maybe locking up the car was a good thing. Later this afternoon, we met with our property manager who told us the reason rental cars have gotten so expensive here is that the big companies shipped their cars off island. In the meantime, guess we’re just going to “blend with the locals.” I did have a guy honk at me today. I think he recognized Buster.