The day began early enough, about 4:30, when I was rudely awakened by a rooster. When I hit the button on the remote to turn on the air conditioner fan (which we’ve been using to drown out the noise), I hit the cool button, not the fan button. That got me wide awake, at which point I promptly had a horrible vision about the ceiling fan I was going to install in the kitchen today.
Today was a fun day from the standpoint of seeing stuff get done and being able to knock a few things off the list, but from a vacation standpoint, ugh. The good news is that, as per the forecast, we had rain today. It didn’t seem like a lot, but it was something and, here in Hawaii, it keeps us green.
We’ve now got a new ceiling fan in our kitchen (that works great, the “vision” was unfounded) and a lot of the cleanup done. Tomorrow. . .ugh, more work. Ah, well, you might as well get a couple of photos! Above and below, sunrise just before 6:00 am this morning.